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Cross-Country Cat
Original Artworks

Hot-Air Henry
Original Artworks

High-Wire Henry
Original Artworks

Henry the Sailor Cat
Original Artworks

Blue-Ribbon Henry
Original Artworks

Henry the Christmas Cat
Original Artworks

Porcupine Stew
Original Artworks

Little Daylight
Original Artworks

Old Blue
Original Artworks

Original Artworks

Night in the Barn
Original Artworks

Harry and Shellburt
Original Artworks

The Animals' Lullaby
Original Artworks

One of a kind (not a print)
Original Watercolor from High-Wire Henry
Pencil on rag paper 12 x 9 inches
"Riding the Man's shoulder" #90032
$225 USD

Erick Ingraham - Original Artwork 2010
High-Wire Henry
90000.01 1990 Storyboard 1
90000.02 1990 Storyboard 2 $400
90000.1 1990 Cover Art - Rough $150
90000.2 1990 Cover Art - Final $900
90001 1990 Henry went out S
90002 1990 And stayed out S
90003 1990 He’s cute as a button S
90004 1990 Let’s call him Buttons S
90005 1990 Henry stepped along a branch $175
90006 1990 Henry rolled over and over S
90007 1990 Henry walked behind them S
90008 1990 Henry practiced on the back fence S
90009 1990 He stretched his whiskers wide S
90009.1 1990 He stretched his whiskers wide S
90010 1990 Henry sang S
90010.1 1990 Henry sang - rough S
90011 1990 The shout startled Henry $300
90011.1 1990 The shout startled Henry - Rough $60
90012 1990 He’s walking the clothesline! S
90013 1990 Henry teetered S
90014 1990 Henry sat with his back to them $150
90015 1990 The Kid pulled Buttons away S
90016 1990 He sat in the apple tree a lot S
90017 1990 He saw squirrel run across a wire $150
90018 1990 Buttons popped out the window $200
90018.1 1990 Buttons popped out the window - Rough $40
90019 1990 “Yow-meowl! he yelled. Help! S
90020 1990 The puppy stopped and looked down $300
90020.1 1990 The puppy stopped & looked down Rough $50
90021 1990 Henry raced to the telephone pole ?
90021.1 1990 Henry raced to the telephone pole Rough $40
90022 1990 He needed a balancing rod G
90023 1990 He scrambled up the pole S
90024 1990 He put out one paw-then the other S
90024.1 1990 He put out one paw-then the other - Rough S
90025 1990 Henry clutched the stick S
90026 1990 The Kid and the Man came out of the house $150
90027 1990 One more step and Henry was on the ledge ?
90028 1990 Henry gripped the dog’s collar ?
90028.1 1990 Henry gripped the dog’s collar - Rough S
90029 1990 Henry hummed to sooth the puppy - Finalh ?
90029.1 1990 Henry hummed to sooth the puppy - Rough ?
90030 1990 He climbed down with Buttons $225
90031 1990 Henry crouched by the ladder
90032 1990 Riding the Man’s shoulder $225
90033 1990 They both fell over
90034 1990 Henry ran away $200
98901 1989 Dachshund studies -14 sketches $100